UP CONVERSION pour visualiser le rayonnement infrarouge

Up-Conversion is a very unusual phenomenon.  A counter-intuitive anti-stokes process occurs where the material absorbs lower energy photons and emits higher energy photons as fluorescence.  The trick is that up-conversion materials absorb two or more low energy photons and then emit one high energy photon.  By definition, up-conversion phosphors must be much less efficient than down-conversion phosphors.  Typically, up-conversion phosphors are illuminated with high intensity light sources such as lasers in a controlled (subdued) lighting environment.

 Up-conversion phosphor is suitable for various kinds of printing application, and will not have any worse effect while mixing with any types of inks. It's can be added in plastic, paper, cloth, ceramic, glass and solution etc. Laser pen or home appliance controller are selected to test this phosphor material.


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