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Laser à rubis déclenché par miroir rotatif

The pulse forming network is 500 J (max) using a 700 uF, 1,350 V (max) capacitor bank and 0.5 mH inductor. Note that the Pulse length is around 3 ms which appears to be  optimal. If the flashlamp can handle a 1.5 ms pulse length without exploding.

With the long fluorescence lifetime of ruby - about 3 ms - timing of the Q-switch is not as critical as it is for Nd:YAG with its much shorter fluorescence lifetime (230 us). The Q-switch motor spins at 30,000 rpm or 500 rps for a period of 2 ms. So, if the flash duration is resaonably short compared to 2 ms, there will be a high probability of a decent output energy even if the flashlamp was triggered at random relative to the Q-switch position! Even if the flash duration is as long as 3 ms, half the time, more than 50 percent of the available energy will have been transferred to the rod when the Q-switch is triggered. This is probably the main reason that faulty Q-switch trigger circuits seemed to produce successful results, though I bet the variation in energy due to the timing not always being optimal remained a mystery and was probably attributed to other causes. However, with a proper design, the pulse energy should be quite consistent

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Ruby laser resonator adjustement

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