027 Mon second TEA N2 picosecond laser developpement
In june 1978 Arnold Neracher startet with the developpment of picosecond nitrogen laser designed around commercially available standard dielectrical barium titanate. The above mentioned dielectrical materials consisted of HTD360D type barium titanate disc from LCC (France) having dielectrical coefficients of 2400. Discs of 40mm diameter and a thickness of 12mm are silver plated on the flat surface. Their capacity is 2200 pF, and they withstand voltage of up 20 kV.
The output power of the laser for a gas pressure of 760 torr is plotted against the supply voltage for different electrode distances. It can be seen that for an electrode distance of 1mm,saturation is obseved at 21 uJ, which corresponds to a peak power of 35 kW or 3.5 MW/cm2 More power can be obtained by enlarging the electrode gap.In the same conditions but for a gap of 2mm, saturation is still not reached at 20kV.Optimization should lead to output power in the range of 100 uJ(160kW peak power) A value of E/p of 100-150V/torr.cm seems to give the best results.
In the second graph you can see the output power of the laser function of supply voltage at 760 torr for different electrode gap.
the pulse duration and the peak power is plotted against the gas pressure for a constant supply voltage an constant electrode distance. At 6 bars 4560 torr the pulse duration is 50 ps.