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laser excimer ArF 500 Hz COHERENT


Key Features:

  • Extremely compact size
  • Available for 157, 193, 248 and 351 nm
  • Repetition rates up to 200Hz and 500Hz
  • New tube design “Almeta XS”
  • Equipped with corona pre-ionization and solid state switching
  • Stand-alone or OEM version
  • Air cooling, single phase
  • Use of premix laser gas
  • RoHS compliant

New tube design “Almeta XS”/ Corona preionization and Solid state switching
The heart of the ExciStar XS is the LDU (Laser Discharge Unit), which combines the AlmetaXS tube with corona pre-ionization and a solid-state-switch. This results in extended lifetimes for these laser components. The “soft” discharge created by the solid state switch results in high pulse to pulse energy stability. In combination with corona preionization a more homogenous discharge is created with excellent pulse characteristics. A dust remover, always included in the tube design, acts as a trap for generated dust particles in the laser gas by collecting them via an electrostatic force in order to extend the overall components lifetime.

The ExciStar XS is a purely air cooled excimer laser system, which makes installation and operation as easy as possible. The laser operates with a single electrical phase and with a premix laser gas bottle. In addition its small footprint integrates into your lab space, not consume it.

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