Accueil > NEW'S lasers solides > DPSS LIGHTWAVE 10W IR


The Lightwave Electronics Model 221

is a high power DPSS Nd:YAG laser capable of 10 W or more output power at 1,064 nm. (Lightwave Electronics was teken over by JDS Uniphase. This laser is no longer manufactured.) It is driven by a compact lightweight power unit.

It can operate CW or may be amplitude modulated by an external input or internal programmable frequency signal. A separate chiller is normally provided for closed-loop cooling.



  • Laser gain medium: Nd:YAG.
  • Wavelength: 1,064 nm.
  • Operational modes: CW, internal and external modulation.
  • Modulation contrast ratio: 4:1 
  • Modulation switching time: less than 11 nm, rise or fall (10 to 90 percent).
  • CW power: 6 to 10 W 
  • Closed loop power stability : 2% in 10 minutes.
  • Amplitude noise : Less than 1% rms (10 Hz to 3 MHz).
  • Warmup (cold start-AC on): 25 minutes.
  • Warmup (warm start-standby): 2 minutes.


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