Accueil > NEW'S lasers solides > DPSS laser VANGUARD


The Vanguard™ UV is an advanced diode pumped solid state laser that has beens pecifically
designed to produce ultra-low noise, quasi-CW ultraviolet output. It delivers exceptional TEM00 mode quality, outstanding long-term stability, and long lifetime. This rugged OEM laser uses
cutting edge mode-locking technology to deliver
1000 mW of quasi-CW, UV output at 355 nm.
With a pulse repetition rate of 80 MHz , this quasi-CW, aircooled laser offers a superior solid-state alternative to replace power hungry CW ion lasers in a number of OEM applications. Delivering ultra-low noise, near diffraction
limited TEM00 output in a rugged industrial platform, the Vanguard laser is intended for both OEM and research applications.


A single ProLite® series diode module pumps the laser head. As with all Spectra-Physics diode-pumped solid state lasers, the diode is located remotely in the power supply. This makes replacement of the single diode module a simple task requiring no optical alignment of the laser head.

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